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OCTCases Excellence in Medical Education Award

Awarded annually to two people who submit the best quality cases to our website. Prize is valued at $200 (CAD)


2021: Dan Park & Yusuf Ahmed

2022: Jeremy Moreau & Korolos Sawires

Have an interesting OCT case?

Consider submitting your OCT case to our website as a practice case. Cases will be selected based on quality of write-up and educational value for our readers. Please obtain patient consent for all case submissions.

All cases should be de-identified and have the following format: 

       1. Description of case (patient demographics, HPI, ocular examination) 
       2. High quality OCT photograph +/- relevant ocular imaging 
       3. Description of OCT
       4. Three or more multiple choice questions 
       5. Learning objectives     

Please email all completed cases to
Sample submission below:

Example of Case submission.png


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